I think your fish is suffering from 2 illnesses if not 3. Ich looks like the fish has been sprinkled with salt, and I see such sprinkling on your fish. Then there is fin rot and possibly a fungal infection with the white-ish splotches on his body.
There are medicines out there for ich treatment, or you can increase the temperature in your tank in addition to adding salt. You will need to treat the whole tank since the whole tank would be infected with ich.
The salt may also help the fin rot, but in your fish it has already gone pretty far, and at this point would need antibiotics. I don't know much about medicines myself but something that I have been reading about being often recommended is Kanaplex. It may also help with the fungal infection. I don't know if Kanaplex can be used at the same time as the heat-salt-treatment, you may need to find a medication to treat ich that is safe to use with Kanaplex. Never mix medications unless it is stated that it is safe to do so!!!
Can you also give us some information on how big your tank is, how many fish and what kind of fish? How long have you had them, how often do you change the water and how much each time? Have you added anything new lately to your tank that may have brought ich into the tank?