Hi all, I am completely new to this forum, but thought I would ask you all for help as I am completely stuck on what to do!
I brought a betta fish (my first time owning one) October last year and mistakenly took the red on his fins as his natural colouration. Eventually I realised that it was fin rot due to the large tears in his fins and ever since have been trying to treat it naturally. I have checked his water parameters every week which have remained consistently as followed: nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all 0 and the pH has remained 7.4 in the tank since I got him (I cycled it for 3 weeks before) and the temperature is kept at 78ºF. I originally thought that the clean water would heal him by itself, however in the last few weeks he has declined and overnight would lose 1/3 of his fin and it is all covered in blood as can be seen in the picture. Since I noticed this I moved him into a hospital tank kept at 78º and have been using aquarium salt with regular water changes and although he has regrowth in his fin, the fin rot keeps returning back more aggressive. I have now completed 3 weeks of high dosage aquarium salt treatments (2tsp per gallon) with 4 days in between but it does not appear to be working! I have heard about antibiotics that can be effective for fin rot but as I live in Australia there are no stores to purchase them from. He is still eating and seems completely normal, but I feel horrible that his fins are in such a bad way.
Sorry that it is such a long post, if anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated! Thanks so much
I brought a betta fish (my first time owning one) October last year and mistakenly took the red on his fins as his natural colouration. Eventually I realised that it was fin rot due to the large tears in his fins and ever since have been trying to treat it naturally. I have checked his water parameters every week which have remained consistently as followed: nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all 0 and the pH has remained 7.4 in the tank since I got him (I cycled it for 3 weeks before) and the temperature is kept at 78ºF. I originally thought that the clean water would heal him by itself, however in the last few weeks he has declined and overnight would lose 1/3 of his fin and it is all covered in blood as can be seen in the picture. Since I noticed this I moved him into a hospital tank kept at 78º and have been using aquarium salt with regular water changes and although he has regrowth in his fin, the fin rot keeps returning back more aggressive. I have now completed 3 weeks of high dosage aquarium salt treatments (2tsp per gallon) with 4 days in between but it does not appear to be working! I have heard about antibiotics that can be effective for fin rot but as I live in Australia there are no stores to purchase them from. He is still eating and seems completely normal, but I feel horrible that his fins are in such a bad way.
Sorry that it is such a long post, if anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated! Thanks so much