Hey folks,
Happy weekend,
back in the fish keeping hobby.
I have never tried Killifish before and will start to do the research.
My experience as been with Amazonian and Malawi Mbuna Cichlids but have decided to start research on Killifish.
With the arrival of a new baby. I no longer have room to keep the 85 gallon tank up and running I probably have room for a 30 ish Gallon tops but hey thats life we change our fish keeping plans to suit our needs.
Happy weekend,
back in the fish keeping hobby.
I have never tried Killifish before and will start to do the research.
My experience as been with Amazonian and Malawi Mbuna Cichlids but have decided to start research on Killifish.
With the arrival of a new baby. I no longer have room to keep the 85 gallon tank up and running I probably have room for a 30 ish Gallon tops but hey thats life we change our fish keeping plans to suit our needs.