Guppy Fry With Yellow/orange Body And Tail Normal ?


Fish Crazy
Jul 29, 2012
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Hi all

I have a group of guppy fry and theres 2 fry that have yellow/orange body n tails is thos normal ? The rest of the fry have the standard grey body with colour in tails etc

Is this weak breading
well if the fish doesn't seem to be unhealthy looking and its just the colour then i would say its fine, then genes of the parents probably had yellow hidden in it and skipped them and now goes to its offspring.
Yeah they seem fine just never seen guppys this colour all over ill see if i can get a picture
There are different types of base body colour in guppies. Some are grey, some yellow/gold and it's completely normal. Sunset guppies or flame guppies or whatever other name they call them are born with gold/yellow body.
For example, this is one of my yellow females:

Yellowy-gold bodied females tend to get called "blonde" females :) I have one myself :lol:
Yes it's normal. Guppies tend to carry a lot of genes these days so you could have a blue guppy and a red guppy but get things like green and yellow and orange from them XD
Yep, was going to chime in there with the "blonde" term but was beaten to it!

I've had sunsets with yellow to gold bodies. I currently have a red tuxedo with a yellowy/cream body.

I really like the all yellows, have seen them but not had one.
From what I read is that guppies have colour on there bodies if there male and females have none

Ohhh unless of course there "blonde" guppies but mine looks more light see through than yellow itself
dont make gender assumptions based on color, it take 4-6 months before you know for sure
Lucky me seems i habe 2 blonde guppies fry a batch never seen them before
From what I read is that guppies have colour on there bodies if there male and females have none

Ohhh unless of course there "blonde" guppies but mine looks more light see through than yellow itself
Borngemini said:
dont make gender assumptions based on color, it take 4-6 months before you know for sure
Sorry was just a suggestion
Guppies can be sexed after the first two weeks of their lives if you have good eyesight. If not, a magnifying glass will do the job.
And yes, guppies that start having a combination of colours on the main bodies are most likely males. Just one has to make a difference between having a different body colour to having a coloured body if you know what I mean.
snazy said:
From what I read is that guppies have colour on there bodies if there male and females have none
Ohhh unless of course there "blonde" guppies but mine looks more light see through than yellow itself
Borngemini said:
dont make gender assumptions based on color, it take 4-6 months before you know for sure
Sorry was just a suggestion :)
Guppies can be sexed after the first two weeks of their lives if you have good eyesight. If not, a magnifying glass will do the job.
And yes, guppies that start having a combination of colours on the main bodies are most likely males. Just one has to make a difference between having a different body colour to having a coloured body if you know what I mean.
Yeah that's what I thought but I'm sure it was mentioned the parents wernt actually this color I have had guppies that are male and yellow and orange, but not a female I actually think I've read the title Wrong as it says yellow/orange body and normal tail
Borngemini said:
Yeah that's what I thought but I'm sure it was mentioned the parents wernt actually this color I have had guppies that are male and yellow and orange, but not a female I actually think I've read the title Wrong as it says yellow/orange body and normal tail
AKA, most likely blonde guppies

My female blonde


Not the best pic but clear enough to show her yellowy-orange body

Edit: Here's a second picture. I'll try getting a better one at some point :lol:
Dud link

Hmm, I know this sounds odd but can you get a picture from further away? XD Having a pic that's so close make sit harder to tell sometimes, especially with light guppies :)

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