Growth On My Friend's Minnow!?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2013
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Hi guys, my friend doesn't have a computer to access the forum but she got some red rosy minnows for her 5 gal. She noticed as she was releasing them into the tank that there was a growth looking thing on her biggest minnow. She couldn't provide a picture, but I came over to take  look. it was small but clear looking. It's on the very end of her/his fins. She also wanted me to ask how do you determine the sex of red rosy minnows. She needs to know if she should expect eggs. Thanks guys! I'll see if I can get her to send me a pic of the growth tomorrow!
Pics would help. Minnows need more than a 5g. growths don't mean babies.
TallTree01 said:
Pics would help. Minnows need more than a 5g. growths don't mean babies.
I know a growth doesn't mean a eggs… That wasn't my question. And i'll try to get one tomorrow
Growth could be because of many reason.. Picture will give help to identify.. you should be very careful when you have such a small 5g tank. 
how many minnows are thr ..? 
how old the tank is..?
If it is a new tank them I am worried abut upcoming days as well ..
No it's not a new tank, about 4 months old she said. There's 8 minnows but they're separated into different tanks. I think she said 4 in each. The minnow with the growth is separated from all the others. I'll upload the picture later, she sent it.

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