Woo! So, after finally tying down ALL my plants so the plecos doesn't rip them up, they are all starting to pop up leaves and I am SO excited! Other than CO2 booster, and this Aqueon plant food I have, is there anything else I can do for my new babies? Or is this about as good as I can do? I want them to be nice and healthy. This is my first tank and first time with plants.. I want to do this right. Also, how long till a java fern starts to root? its popped out tons of babies but hardly any roots (and its finally sprouting more leaves) I have it tied down to this fake stump, or would it do better on a rock? (I cant purchase any real wood right now). ALSO, how can I tell if my plants are getting enough light? All the light seems to be hitting the plants pretty nicely but I am not sure how to tell?