Green Terror Stocking Options


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
buffalo, ny
Hello all,

I.have a 40g long tank (48"x12.5"x18" tall) that I will soon be restocking. I've always liked the look of green terrors and was wondering if I would be able to stock them in my tank. I've seen people with them in 55g before and I.believe this has the same dimensions but is shorter. If this is adequate space are there other species of similar size that could be homed with the terrors?

Thank you,
Crazy bob.
I may be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure they grow into monsters. Your tank may be just under the min tank size. It would be ok for a juvenile, bit is imagine it would quickly out grow it.

Its too small imo. These guys do get big, and while 4 foot is the minimum length, I'd suggest 18 inches of width so they can actually turn around comfortably. Its possible to keep one in that tank though, I just wouldn't suggest it personally. If you do get one, keep it as a wet pet in that tank, maybe some catfish and thats about it.
Garyspence84 is correct. Nothing smaller than a 55 gallon for an adult green terror IMO. They do get big and can be aggressive. A 40 gal will work until it gets to around 6-7 inches however
Cool thanks for the advice guys. I thought I may be able to house them as I've seen them in people's 55g tank and my tank has the same foot print, tho i suppose I can wait until I build my 75g stand and get that going. I may go with a smaller community tank and get some german blue rams or cockatoos. I really like both of those fish but have never had either of them. I know this is now off topic, but would I be able to house them together? or just get a few of one species?
German blue rams only do well in a high temperature which most fish won't put up with. So IMO apistos aren't an option if you want them.

I think I'm with minnnt, why not try for some blue acaras? They're almost identical to GT's
I have to agree with the above. Most people think they are slow growers, but I have a yr old GT that is already pushing 8 inches. He is in a 75g with his wifey and 2 severums (be moving to a 125g in a month) and they look quite dominating in a 75g.
Oh I see. Do Blue Acaras not get as big as a GT? I must admit I do not know a lot about them so I had not thought about them. Would they be able to have tank mates or just 1 or two of them in a tank my size?
Having never owned a Blue Acara, I cannot tell you much. I can only tell you what to expect from an adult Green Terror. If you google search Blue Acara, you can learn some while waiting for another member to reply.
I have to agree with the above. Most people think they are slow growers, but I have a yr old GT that is already pushing 8 inches. He is in a 75g with his wifey and 2 severums (be moving to a 125g in a month) and they look quite dominating in a 75g.
My GT went from a little 2 incher to a chunky 7 inches in about 6 months

not to play "my GT grew faster than your GT" or anything :shifty:
Blue Acaras are smaller, more peaceful cichlids than green terrors. I believe they max out at about 6-8 inches. A lot of people have a hard time telling the species apart, and fish stores seem to take pleasure in mixing the two around, so if you go with blue acaras, make sure you're comfortable telling the difference between the two of them.

If I got a single blue acara in your tank, I would put it with some medium sized tetras and some armored catfish, and that's about it.
Hiya mate. The problem with you tank is the depth. An adult GT would struggle to turn around. Blue Acaras are nice and I would say you would easily get a pair in there. You wwould then be better of stocking a group of the larger tetras such as bleeding hearts or columbian red fins. A few decent sized swordtails and maybe a few plecs or large cories.

Something else you could look into would be Geophagus Steindachneri.
I have to agree with the above. Most people think they are slow growers, but I have a yr old GT that is already pushing 8 inches. He is in a 75g with his wifey and 2 severums (be moving to a 125g in a month) and they look quite dominating in a 75g.
My GT went from a little 2 incher to a chunky 7 inches in about 6 months

not to play "my GT grew faster than your GT" or anything :shifty:
I can't attest to how fast he grew. THe previous owner got him at an inch and gave him up to me after 6 months. He came to me at 6 inches :p
Cool thanks for the help guys, blue acaras are beautiful! I don't know that I've ever seen them for sale in my area :/ may have to make an internet purchase.

Can I house the following then?

1 blue acara (does sex matter?)
6-10 bleeding heart tetras (I think their red would compliment nicely)
And some synodontis catfish (not sure how many, maybe 4?)

Right now my tank is quite rocky from the Africans that previously occupied. I'm thinking about removing a number of the rocks to create more swimming space but still maintain caves. I'll try to get a current set up picture for reference, but I'm on my phone atm and don't know how from here.

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