Gravel cleaner and syphon


New Member
Feb 13, 2020
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Chicago Suburbs
Hi. My gravel/water siphon broke after 10 years. Completely manual no pump to start the siphon. I need to buy a new one. So I'm looking at Amazon a Kasan,Python and a number of others. The Kason has a nice feature of changing the uptake hose size.. Plus it has a bulb starter. Python has the bulb starter. I also can get a manual gravel.maintenance cleaner like the one I had before. The Kasan seems like one that I might be good for cleaning the bottom of my 10gal that is on a stand that has my 20 gal on top. Any suggestions?
make one out of a 1, 1.5 or 2 litre plastic drink bottle and garden hose.
I used to make my own and use them in the shop because it helped us clean the tanks faster. I had a 2 litre bottle and 20 meters of clear plastic hose that fitted over the outside of the bottle top and could gravel clean and drain a 4x2x2ft tank in a couple of minutes.

Get a plastic drink bottle.

Cut the bottom off the bottle and throw the bottom bit away.

Remove the plastic ring and cap from the top and throw those 2 bits away.

Stick a garden hose in the top of the bottle and run it out the door onto the lawn. If you want to drain it into a bucket you can do that with a shorter length of hose. You can also buy clear plastic hose from a hardware.

Use the bottle for a gravel cleaner.

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