got a problem with PH


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2004
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ok so i checked my ph and it is currently at 8.0 although i am in the nitrite spike stage of my cycling so this may change. now i'm almost positive that this is too high for the fish i am planning on getting. so i was just wondering if there is any easy way to solve this problem besides buying ph down and adding it to every water change... -_- . ill give you a list of fish and you can decide if its too high but im pretty sure it will be.

clown loach
flame gourami
neon blue gourami
neon tetra
From what I understand, your ph is the same all through cycling-it doesn't change. What *is* important is that with a high ph, it is even more crucial to keep ammonia levels low because the effects of ammonia on fish are more pronounced with a high ph level.

I also read (here, I think) that no matter how much you treat your ph, it will just keep jumping back to the "norm" for your water. I also have very high ph (higher than yours) but my lfs also does so the fish are acclimated (or whatever) to the ph level. I personally would avoid neon tetras but I don't know about the other fish in your list.
Although a pH of 8 is not ideal it is far more important to provide a stable pH than a ideal one, more fish are killed by fluctuating pH levels then fish being kept in a pH that is too high for them ever will. The only time a high pH should be a major concern is when keeping delicate wild caught fish or trying to those traditionally found in soft water. All the fish on your list will be farm bred and will easily adapt to hard water conditions.
thanks guys

and btw ive decided that clown loaches will just get too big for my 55g so ive decided to not get them for now... maybe when i get a larger tank
There is nothing wrong with your ph the way it is, all the fish on your list will do fine in that water.
alright ill just leave it how it is then. thanks guys

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