Yep, I just recently got my 65, the whole nine yards and more. It was a complete dirtied planted tank with the proper lighting and everything, and CO2 system. Came with marbled blue angels, diamond tetras, congo tetras, breeding pair of albino brittle nose plecos and rubber lip plecos.
The only down side was the tank cracked when I was setting it up, but caught it in time and had to replace it... and some diseases on the congos like cotton mouth and fin rot, but was able to control that in a matter of days.
Got all that for 300$ + another 110$ for the new tank.
Just now my word of advise, look over that tank like no tomorrow and after setting her all up listen to it.. if you hear crack noises then watch out. Hah i'm still paranoid about my new tank.. just watching it and looking it over every now and again. still haven't been able to fill it up to the top, but getting close to doing it.
And congrats on your find, should post pictures of what it'll look like when you are all done.