German Blue Ram Sexing help.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hey guys, recently gotten back into the hobby after a few years of absence. School work etc... Anyways I have purchased a single German Blue Ram. and i want to get it a mate in attempts of breeding. Pretty sure this one is a female. Would appreciate if someone could confirm or tell me otherwise! (photo was taken shortly after it was introduced to the tank so colours are pretty washed)

german ram.jpg
I find sexing the blue variety of rams to be difficult. But you should be aware that buying a ram of the opposite sex may not work. Rams need to choose their own mates, and an unbonded male and female may well not get on. This could result in one or other being harmed or even killed.
I agree completely with essjay. As for the gender of the fish in the photo, I wouldn't like to guess. The easiest way to sex non-breeding rams is by observation of the group in the store tank. This is also the only way to achieve a pair that should bond. It is a matter of how they interact/behave towards each another.

I have no idea of your level of knowledge, so I will just mention in case you are not aware already that this species (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) must have a warm tank, with the water temperature no less than 80F/27C which is higher than many other "tropical" species can tolerate or manage long-term. Just so you know. Tankmates are limited with this ram present.
im aware about how to keep german rams. keeping a species only tank and keeping them at 28c/82f. thankyou for your input however!
im aware about how to keep german rams. keeping a species only tank and keeping them at 28c/82f. thankyou for your input however!

That being the case, you must add the entire group at the same time. Make sure there is sufficient space for male territories, which can be somewhat delineated by branches, plants, etc. If the existing solitary ram is female, adding a group of male/female rams should be more likely to succeed.
That being the case, you must add the entire group at the same time. Make sure there is sufficient space for male territories, which can be somewhat delineated by branches, plants, etc. If the existing solitary ram is female, adding a group of male/female rams should be more likely to succeed.
Tankyou for your advice. Ill try adding a group and then wait till they pair off. :)

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