Fish Crazy
After further reaearch i now really like the Geophagus Tapajos as they look beutiful from the pics/vids ive seen.
Will they go in my 5ft 420litre (i think!!) tank along with pair of kribs, tiger barbs & pair of GBR's (yes not the best choice i know now but fingers crossed they seem fine until i can get them moved to another tank).
Anyway, any suggestions on how many Geophagus & mix, etc? Dont really want loads of fry but dont want bullying either!!
I just figured these seem more peaceful than a JD and the like!!
Any hints, tips or help greatly appreciated!!
After further reaearch i now really like the Geophagus Tapajos as they look beutiful from the pics/vids ive seen.
Will they go in my 5ft 420litre (i think!!) tank along with pair of kribs, tiger barbs & pair of GBR's (yes not the best choice i know now but fingers crossed they seem fine until i can get them moved to another tank).
Anyway, any suggestions on how many Geophagus & mix, etc? Dont really want loads of fry but dont want bullying either!!
I just figured these seem more peaceful than a JD and the like!!
Any hints, tips or help greatly appreciated!!