Geophagus Tapajos .... Info Please


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
North East
After further reaearch i now really like the Geophagus Tapajos as they look beutiful from the pics/vids ive seen.
Will they go in my 5ft 420litre (i think!!) tank along with pair of kribs, tiger barbs & pair of GBR's (yes not the best choice i know now but fingers crossed they seem fine until i can get them moved to another tank).
Anyway, any suggestions on how many Geophagus & mix, etc? Dont really want loads of fry but dont want bullying either!!
I just figured these seem more peaceful than a JD and the like!!
Any hints, tips or help greatly appreciated!!
First off as you said, the tank mates are not ideal at the moment.

For me Geophagus are more of fish that need to have their priorities high up in the order of the tank. You need to be able to provide them with a large tank, with a fine sand substrate and very low nitrate in your tank.

For me none of the fish you have right now are a particularly good mix with them, the tigers might work in a large enough group but could be nippy to the fin extensions, Kribs are hit and miss as to how well they mix with other fish and Rams could be too small and loose out the the bigger Geos or they could again be nippy and damage the fin extensions.

The tank size is good for them though and a group of 4 or 5 would do well but tank mates need to be considered first, also make sure you tap water is low nitrate or you can provide some kind of pre filter or nitrate remover in your filter.

Cheers Wills.
Nitrate is below 5 every test and im running two Fluval 304 filters on my tank.
I have 12 tigers (4 tigers, 4 green & 4 albino) which chase one another but as yet ive had no problems of them attacking my other fish.
My kribs likewise only get chewy when they spawn but that asise, again no issues. My GBR's which are only young are now settling nicely and basically try to bulky the barbs fir food .... Which is no easy feet!!! Lol. Although i do soread the food about feeding different types and putting it near each fish so i know they get some.
I just really want a centrepiece fish & have consudered angels, JD & EBJD, Firemouths, Elliotti, etc but for one reason or another im told or seems none are suitable!!! . There must be a colourful large fish that will go .... This fish keeping can be most frustrating sometimes!!!!
Anyway, much appreciate the reply & the help!!

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