Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

Oh, oh, oh!!!! Those are some ADORABLE baybees!!!!! Aw, wook at their wittle tails!! I <3 the little DTs! And that last one with the weird eyes! Awww! ^_^
they seem to be growing faster then ur last spawn :drool:
Yeah, I think so too. There are a lot fewer fish this time, so I'm sure that's why :)

Where's Goofy? Did you lose Goofy, Synirr?
He's in there somewhere, I'm sure... not that I'd know which one he was if I saw him :lol:
The Downs fry is the only one I can tell apart from all the rest... oh, and the odd-eyes guy now, I guess, but he's harder to spot.

I'm not falling in wub wid any more babies. No deal. I am waiting for the Snirr kids and cheesecake and crew and I' done for awhile--unless I get a spawn....

So how's Christmas break shaping up? Ready for finals?
I took my last final today actually, I'm done for the semester and am more than ready to enjoy my break and be done with General Chemistry I. Apparently Chemistry II, which I'm taking next semester, is much easier :D

EDIT: Um... I just saw some bullies in the tank ALREADY. Crap. Looks like I'll be jarring a couple at 5 weeks! What's with these super aggressive bettas of mine??
gorgeous babies :wub:

I love the DT's

The odd eyes should stay as I had a few of those in my last spawn and they still have them now at 17 weeks old :rolleyes:
Another week has gone by, they grow up so fast! They didn't have any BBS this week and yet their tummies are still orange... this confuses me. Downs fry is still alive and doing well, but didn't want to be photographed this week.


Gathered at the top after their water change, as usual

I TOLD YA I had some coppers! See? I didn't lie :p

The colour on the one at the bottom left is awesome, it's too bad he wouldn't hold still for a pic

Little odd-eyes

Fry butt

Various light fry



This one wants to be gold ^_^

That worm is a little big for ya, don't ya think? Odd-eyes sticking his head in at the top

Gypsy, my little helper
They are coming on great!

I love the coper colour and the odd eyes :wub:

Your little helper is also cute
What little cuties! :wub: They are growing up so nicely.

When I was scrolling down, and I first saw Gypsy, all I saw was a little hair and I was thinking "That's a strange Betta..." and then I realized it was her. :*) She's adorable, though!
Red eyed demon dog! Watch; she's going to lick up the sprinkled fry food off the floor! Eww! Then she'll lick your face! Eww! Red eyed demon dog!
Red eyed demon dog! Watch; she's going to lick up the sprinkled fry food off the floor! Eww! Then she'll lick your face! Eww! Red eyed demon dog!
:rofl: That is too funny. Although with the red eyes like that I did think of a demon dog.

Your little babies are looking great synirr. I have noticed a few coppers with my spawn too. The baby on the left in the fourth picture is really pretty, too bad it wouldn't stay still for a picture.
Oh my gosh has it been 5 weeks already? It seems like you were spawning these guys just last week. They have grown so much!!

I :wub: the little copper!

My brain is messed up, I think Gypsy is just the cutest! But the first thing I thought when I saw her was “Wow I hope she spawns that dog..” …. *bangs head on desk*

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