Future Tank Setup?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2013
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Hi Guys,  very new to the forums, only just signed up about 30 minutes ago.
My carrent tank set up is as follows:

- AquaOne AquaStart 500
- AquaOne Maxi 102F Filter
- Heater (Cant remember size, nor read it as its facing away from the glass)
- 4 inch air rock

Fish Include:
- 1x Dwarf Fire Gourami
- 1x Betta (Red  with blue flecks)
- 2x Male Guppies
- 3x Bristlenose Catfish
I am looking at setting up a new tank in the near future as i plan on getting some of my favourite fish - Including a Tiger Oscar (Like you couldnt tell that was one of them)

The tank i am getting is 6x2x2 feet.
What i would like to know is what gear would be reccomended? I am already awar of the basics like filter, heater etc. But i want to know what is the best?
I would prefer to use a canister filter if possible, but will look at others if needed.

What would you guys recommend? Price isnt that much of an issue when it comes to these beautiful guys.
Thanks everyone

Before I get onto the main thrust of your post, I just need to point out that the Gourami and Betta are conspecifics, in other words, they will compete with each other for tank space, leading to the death of one or the other. It's not a question of "if", it's a question of "when".
Regarding your 6' tank, if the Aquamanta range of external filters is available in Oz, then I would go for that, I am a big fan of them. You may want to go for 2 smaller filters, rather than 1, or 1 large filter, with a powerhead at the other end, in order to ensure that the water circulates well - that's personal preference.
Again, I would probably go for 2 heaters, one at each end, in order to help the heat dissipate evenly.
And then choose your tankmates carefully.
Thank-you for your reply, i had no idea that they would fight, The lady at the fish shop said they would be fine :/ they seem quite content at the moment, the gourami and betta both sit with eachother sometimes, but most of the time, the betta is at the top whilst the gourami is at the bottom.
I do have another tank i can put one of them in if needed, i will most likely move the gourami as the other tank has convict cichlids and i know the like to fight.
I shall have a look,  thank-you for your opinions, i will take them on willingly as i dont want to cause any harm.
In the new tank i was thinking of an Tiger Oscar, Red Fin Shark, Discus, Sooty Grunter  and a Saratoga or arowarna, but i dont know if they would all get along, so i will be researching before hand.
I'm not sure a Oscar will get on with any of those Oscars are best kept in BIG spices aquariums they are very aggressive but beautiful at the same time and have such personality :) if you really need to add some variety try a jack Dempsey but like i said they are best kept with other Oscars
I wouldnt suggest keeping an arowana in a tank that size. Its just not wide enough and doesnt have the turnaround room for a fish that can easily reach 3 feet. I feel your pain. I LOVE arrows and i still cant get one because i just dont have a tank large enough :(
Oscars and Red Fin Shark - yes. Long as it's not small enough to be eaten by the Oscar. Not sure if when fully grown it might turn sour as the Oscar will outgrow the shark.
josh63762 said:
if you really need to add some variety try a jack Dempsey
I had a look and they look like awesome fish (especially the blue ones), Pitty about the arrow but i guess ill just wait.
Thankyou all for your feedback, very helpful

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