I recently got a trio of killis from my LFS. They are fundulopanchax gardneri but particular strain--I am not sure. I have them set up in a 10 gallon -- heated to mid 70'sF and spongefilter for filtration and aireation. Has some driftwood, big pebbles for substrate (at the moment), and moss/elodea/duckweed for plants. Feeding golden pearls, frozen bbs, decap bbs, and microworms.
They are quick little buggers and are hard to grab pics of so bear with me if they don't seem all "in focus". LOL
Their home (plan is to add more pebbles and more moss as possible)

When I first got them

Here are some updated pics taken this morning

They are quick little buggers and are hard to grab pics of so bear with me if they don't seem all "in focus". LOL
Their home (plan is to add more pebbles and more moss as possible)

When I first got them

Here are some updated pics taken this morning