The Impossible Dream

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Holy moly we have water! Filter set up and everything level! Python worked brilliant… just that sense of dread that you get after filling a big tank for the first time!

That is BEAUTIFUL! The arrangement of stones is artful yet natural. Your impossible dream is starting to look rather possible, isn't it?
Since I am too lazy to read back through the whole thread: Are you still planning to base your stocking on Central American cichlids, or have you decided on a different direction?
Since I am too lazy to read back through the whole thread: Are you still planning to base your stocking on Central American cichlids, or have you decided on a different direction?
This is an Mbuna tank… I’ve bought a second tank for Central Americans…
I love those stones.
I'm so happy with how dark they have gone in the water :) I saw a video of someone using them in a planted tank and they looked pretty pale like when they are dry but in the tank here they have gone a really nice colour.
Just ordered 3 of these for the surface - want to keep things moving! Variegated Peace Lily's which I didn't know was a thing but think they look cool - I might have read they don't flower like the regular ones but I might mix some regulars in for the flowers. Let's see how three of these looks before I decide how many I need overall.

Also wanted to share that the tank has been featured by Wio (the company that sell the rocks I bought) on their Facebook and Instagram after I submitted a review with a photo on their website :)

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The big rock on the right side if the tank that is balancing on the others, can that move if the rocks under it are disturbed by the fish digging?

Nice plant too, variegated lily. :)
The big rock on the right side if the tank that is balancing on the others, can that move if the rocks under it are disturbed by the fish digging?

Nice plant too, variegated lily. :)
All the rocks are on egg crate (not sure why its called egg crate, its like a grid of plastic) and then once I was happy the structures were all solid either through they way they slot together or after putting smaller pebbles into any gaps to stop movement I poured the sand around the rocks so there is no sand under any of the rocks. The egg crate went onto clean glass too so no risk of pressure points :)

Sorry when do you plan on stocking?
I'm hoping to get some Synodontis in there around the 16/17th September. Then probably not touch it again for at least a month - I want to see some growth from the peace lily roots before I start adding the cichlids in.

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