Fry With Clamped Fins


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I know at some point I had a thread somewhere (no idea which one it was) and someone said they had a problem with fry with clamped fins and started a journal about it.

I was wondering where that journal is and what your conclusion was... if any!

I am finding in this last batch (at least I think the last one as its the smallest of the fry, so I am guessing only the ones from my first time momma), there are a good number of fry that are clamped. I'm not sure what is going on there as the water stats are fine, all other fish are fine... but can't figure out the issue with them (I'd say maybe 1/8th of them are clamped). I even switched to a new container of food fearing that might be the issue... even though it was well within date and properly stored.
Are your fry free in a tank or in a breeder box? If they are in a breeder box is it the net tupe or the plastic box type?
They are swimming free. I believe the ones affected are the second generation born in my tank... so have also been wondering if that has something to do with it. And my tank is understocked as well so lots of room to move around.
If your water quality is fine and they are free swimming in a tank i have not the slightest on the cause :( sorry. People who reported having multiple batches of fry with clamped fins used Formalin 3 and said that it took care of the problem in all of their tanks.

It does seem clamped fry fins is more of a monster than i thought.

If you try it let me know if it worked! I hope everything works out well!
Temp changes (from water changes or something abrupt), incorrect temp, and wrong Ph have also been mentioned.

So far my platy fry are 13 days old with temp kept at 78 and Ph is at 8.2. My fry havent shown clamped fins as of yet. But i believe my Ph is like .2 over the high end of their range for Ph.

I hope my fry don't fall victim :/.
I am not so concerned if the ones who are off fall victim, but don't want it spreading to any others if it is a sickness. I am also paranoid since I had an absolute tank disaster a few months back where the entire tank died out! I have to keep reminding myself it did not start like this. Will look into the meds. I seem to have a hard time getting decent meds in my area and usually have to order online.
Good thinking prairiesunflower. If the fish a born with problems it is probably best if they dont reach adulthood to breed.
Well, I decided to have a major cull of my fry. I put each one individually in a jar and scrutinized their bodies and behavior for health and saved only the ones I feel are perfectly healthy. I did that yesterday. Hopefully, they will continue to do well.

I am due to have another batch in the next 1-2 weeks (from a different mother) and I am thinking I will move those fry over to a different tank for 3-4 weeks to see if they escape this mystery clamping.

The batch I had before this one that is clamping is growing up fine (in the same tank).

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