Found a baby box turtle in our yard!!! Adorable

Are you sure?... I mean like... I've never seen one with the bumps and a tail that big...
Unless I'm thinking about mud turtles...
Maybe not a box turtle but doesn’t look like a snapping baby from pictures I’m seeing, looks more like box
Adorable! I know quite some things about torts, because of Yoshi (our POTM), and this is, IMO, a baby box turtle. Deffinitely not snapping.
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Sometimes when we kayak where snappers are (in Quebec) they swim up and whack the boats, very aggressively. Paddle paddle thump, paddle, thump.... the sounds of a summer afternoon...
Yes, I believe so. We have one huge alligator snapping turtle at our "local" aquarium.

Funny/interesting story, one time this friend wanted me to walk to school with her so I did. She looooves all animals... ALL...
So we're walking and we go by this ditch. There was a massive alligator snapping turtle and she just starts walking down towards it so I rush up to her, grab her shoulder and say: "OK, I know you love animals, but unless you want only one hand I think you should leave that one alone" 🤣 She immediately just went: "Oh... Ok" and just kept walking lol

I thought there were going to be more details to this story, like her touching your turtle at the end for saving her hand..
I thought there were going to be more details to this story, like her touching your turtle at the end for saving her hand..
No the one in that story was huge and would have eaten her arm off. She was going up to that one by the ditch like "ooo hi turtle"... I'm like no no no no
Well I feel like an idiot... I've seen plenty of adult box turtles but never a baby one. I've seen baby mud turtles though and figured they would look the same just with a bit more coloration... So when I saw this guy with the bumps and I just figured baby snapping turtle.
Yah I looked up baby snapping turtle... Not even close lol. But that one that was in the ditch one time... Yah 100% snapping turtle lol
It's alright, I was going to say that didn't look like a snapping turtle but these turtle experts beat me to it lol

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