Fo System


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
what equipment would i need to start a FO system. I have a tank 24x12x12. I have a heater and a internal pump. What else do i need. I dont want LR just a FO, so please dont tell me to what (in another forum "") i was told, "go out and get some LR, FO dont work". Please could i have some helpful advice.
thanks v- much!!!!!!!! :D
You have to give people time to respond, 1 1/2 hours is not a very long time to wait! :p That was helpful advice, so no need to slander what is possibly a decent forum. The reason why they told you this is because its (FO) isgenerally considered an old, out dated, and in-superior style. :nod: LR is the best filter you can have in an aquarium, but:

FO can be accomplished, but IMO your best to set-up a sump. You need a decent sized, decent quality skimmer, not a hang on back or airlift either, here is SkiFletch's recomendations, which I thouroughly agree with..

Research DSB's, otherwise known as Deep Sand Beds, arguing about their usefulness is like talking about religion, LOL. People have strong opinions about their use in SW aquaria, so your best to come to your own conclusion. They can be a great filtration method for heavuily stocked tanks, and can be incorporated into a sump.

Other filtration could be accomplished via some decent quality external canisters. Media could include carbon, sponge, LR rubble, noodles, filter wool, etc.

The best advice I could give you, if your serious about creating a FO, is to join a local reef/marine society, and seed your sand bed with samples taken from others sand beds, just ask them to scoop out some at a meeting and so forth. This seeds your sand bed with maximum life, from various sources.

What is the size of the tank, and what water turnover is your internal pump rated for? Also, what do you plan to keep in it?
Sorry its late and i wanted an answer b4 i went to bed,
In the first post its says 24x12x12 is this too small? Also the pump does 185 (US cant find UK) gallons per hour.
Sorry! Missed that! :nod:

Now I know why they told you to go and buy LR. A 56 litre tank is just really unsuitable for a FO. What fish could you keep in it? Only nano fish, and what your going to spend on more equipment you could spend on LR. Most people who go FO are doing so because they have massive tanks, and filling them with LR is going to cost thousands. Its also because they are going to have high stocks, with big tangs, planktonic feeders, or predators, who create large amounts of waste.

FO: Skimmer, Sump, External Filter, Media, possibly a DSB.

Nano with LR: No Skimmer, No External Filter, therefore no media, and no DSB.

Your powerhead is fine, you might want to add a little one later, but for now 12.5x turnover would be ok, preferably up around 15-20x

LR for such a small tank wouldnt cost much. If you cant afford what the LFS charges, search online, if 20kgs (the standard amount bought onine) is going to be too much (which I suspect it would for a 56L tank), again, join a local club, or a UK forum, and look out for some bargains and people tearing down tanks.

You could also buy small pieces one at a time, and aquascape smartly, keeping the nano open/creative, and not just use a ton of LR to create one big wall, that way you will use less.
Using the pound a gallon rule it comes to about 6.7KG for a 24x12x12. :nod: However you can still have 5KG if you wish.
Its not exactely going to be a heavy bio-load lol. I want 1 maybe 2 clownfish. Do you guys have any more info. thanks
Well i will be keeping them in there. Then maybe next year sometime i will convert my 40 long into a FOWLR system.
alls i can say about the clownfish rule is (and im gonna get killed about this) sure they shouldnt really be kept in anything downwards of like 20gallons but i think people are sometimes over react a lot and make out that the clown is going to grow to be 15000000000000 foot long and wont even fit in your house. remembber tis your tank and stock with whatever you want (erm well dont mean that really because it isnt wise to plonk anything that gets probably + 5" long)

now if you are done sending me those letter bombs then alls i can say stock moderately and do what you think is okay...
I would have thought you could do a FO in a nano, my next door neighbour has done one. Its a 24x12x15. She has 2 clowns with lots of decoration rock. It look really nice, she uses treated tap water and has had no problems in about 3 years apart from an algea bloom or 2.

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