Fish Species Ideas For Icons?

Nov 8, 2010
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I want to make some fish icons to share with the fish forums community that everyone can use, but I honestly don't know what species to do, and I don't know alot. Can you fellas help me make a list? Maybe start out with the most popular freshwater fish. I also would like some preference of the icon size.

and if I put this in the wrong section, please tell me :(
Goldfish, cardinal tetras, cories, african cichlids of all types, gouramis, angel fish, bolivian/german blue rams, guppies, endlers, killifish, arowana, stringrays, zebra danios, bettas, clown loaches, discus, plecos... That's kind of all I can think of right now. You can probably narrow it down from here. It would be cool if you made the icons big enough that they can be used as profile pics on here.
Goldfish, cardinal tetras, cories, african cichlids of all types, gouramis, angel fish, bolivian/german blue rams, guppies, endlers, killifish, arowana, stringrays, zebra danios, bettas, clown loaches, discus, plecos... That's kind of all I can think of right now. You can probably narrow it down from here. It would be cool if you made the icons big enough that they can be used as profile pics on here.

Exactly ^^
Kuhli Loach and Sparkling Gourami!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:

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