Fish Compatibility Chart

Useful Stocking Chart

Best to get a second Opionion before stocking though because not all of it is correct... for example they have said that a Chinease Algae Eater is a Community Fish - It's better suited in the semi-aggressive colum. Still useful though.
Not useful at all - in fact it could cause a lot of problems as some of the information is downright misleading.
EG black shark a community fish whereas rosy barbs are listed as semi aggressive?
I agree, that's why I said get a second Opionion. It's a good rough guide though.
I disagree.
A rough guide would have maybe few fish but correct information.
Anyone following this chart would have problems and as this sort of thing is likely to be used by a beginner how are they to know the info is wrong? (until they have munched fish?)
Well, would you redo it then? It does seem useful, but if it's wrong I don't want to trust it...
OK... I'll re-make it.
Tell me which ones you think are wrong...

We've already got the following changes:
- Chinease Algae Eater - Not Community Fish but Semi-Aggressive
- Black Shark - Not Community Fish but Aggressive
- Rosy Barbs - Not Semi-Aggressive Fish but Community
I don't see a huge problem with it...but with one thing. A freshwater puffer will beat and nip to death anything else in the tank with it. I would not only consider it aggressive...but downright nasty in a community tank.

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