New Member
Hi all,
My 10gal cycled last week and it appears to be doing well so I need some help with my stocking choices. I've read a bunch of great threads on here for ideas but want to pinpoint any problem areas.
I currently have 2 Honey Gouramis, 1 male and 1 female.
I was planning on adding to that:
1 - Honey - female
6 - Endler's livebearers - male
2 - red cherry shrimp
Is this a reasonable stocking level?
The gouramis(especially the female) seem to be spitting the Tetra flake out. What else should I be giving them? I am planning on getting some bloodworm or tubifex as soon as the blizzard clears.
I have all live plants with a heavy stand in the back corner tapering down to the middle of the tank and I'm waiting on some Dwarf Baby Tears for ground cover on the rest of the tank. The gourami's are loving the plants and upper area of the tank. I'm hoping the Endler's will fill the middle out a bit and the shrimp on the bottom.
My 10gal cycled last week and it appears to be doing well so I need some help with my stocking choices. I've read a bunch of great threads on here for ideas but want to pinpoint any problem areas.
I currently have 2 Honey Gouramis, 1 male and 1 female.
I was planning on adding to that:
1 - Honey - female
6 - Endler's livebearers - male
2 - red cherry shrimp
Is this a reasonable stocking level?
The gouramis(especially the female) seem to be spitting the Tetra flake out. What else should I be giving them? I am planning on getting some bloodworm or tubifex as soon as the blizzard clears.
I have all live plants with a heavy stand in the back corner tapering down to the middle of the tank and I'm waiting on some Dwarf Baby Tears for ground cover on the rest of the tank. The gourami's are loving the plants and upper area of the tank. I'm hoping the Endler's will fill the middle out a bit and the shrimp on the bottom.