Firemouth Questions


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2013
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Will a firemouth cichlid get along with an opaline gourami, 12 columbian tetra, and 15 corydoras, and a raphael catfish in a 72 gallon bowfront tank with lots of plants, driftwood, and hiding places? Will he rip up and destroy plants?
I can't see why not. Firemouths are fairly peaceful compared to other similarly sized cichlids so it shouldn't be a problem but cichlids can be unpredictable...
Agreed, the answer is he should be fine. Sadly they don't come with a warranty though.
Anything from that genus would be good.
As for plants, they're generally no trouble, but occasionally the mood takes them to dig. Overall, I've found the cories to be more plant trouble than the thorichthys group, unless they're digging pits for breeding.
It will be fine, watch your Gourami tho, they can be real punks when addign new fish, my old 8" Kissing Gourami killed a 6" Gold Severum! just hours after putting them in a tank together.
Also my friend had loads of trouble with Opaline/Tri-Spot Gouramis with new fish.
GShorty1981 said:
Also my friend had loads of trouble with Opaline/Tri-Spot Gouramis with new fish.
I've had this problem too, My male killed the female and then went for the rest of the tank. In the end i had to send him back
All gouramis from the three spot background have an aggressive streak to them. Plenty of cover and room and they're amazing fish though.

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