Unusual Honey Gourami behavior


Fish Gatherer
Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 3, 2022
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For the past several months, my honey gourami has been exhibiting unusual behavior. He used to hang out near the surface in a corner. My pygmy corydoras like to hide behind a sponge filter or driftwood. Now he has joined them and hangs out with them in those areas. He also often eats from the substrate. Here's an old pic of him feeding alongside them. Is he trying to shoal with the pygmy corydoras?
No issues with water quality. Lots of live plants including fast growing floaters. Good filtration. I don't overstock or overfeed. The other tankmates are harlequin rasboras. They don't show any signs of stress. I don't think I've ever seen them interact with the honey gourami. And this behavior started before I had added them. If this is stress induced behavior, I don't know what would be causing it.

The poor guy is seeking comfort...

The corys must provide a sense of security. While not a typical shoaling partner, they surely give some king of social interaction, providing a sense of companionship.

Gouramies live in groups, so being part of a group that accept him is probably beneficial and keeps him occupied.

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