So after lots of advice on here and a LOT of reading i have decided to gain some more experience on keeping water and also improving my planted aquarium before stocking a discus community tank. I now have a pair of wc apistogramma cf huascar, the male took no time at all to become a 'dominant male' and start guarding a nest, the female has little interest in him at the moment despite his persistence. The plan is to move them to a 90L bare bottom with some caves and a floating plant then lower water level gradually to encourage them.
I dont want to DIY an air driven sponge filter for this setup so i was hoping that one of you could advise me on which filter to buy? I looked at the fluval u2 but im not sure it is fry-friendly.
I dont want to DIY an air driven sponge filter for this setup so i was hoping that one of you could advise me on which filter to buy? I looked at the fluval u2 but im not sure it is fry-friendly.