Fave Animals

1) Pigeons, although all birds in general.
2) Squirrels
3) Ferrets :lol:

Oh and er rats...dogs....I love em all! :shout:
My absolute favorite are tigers. However, I tend to have an affinity for grumpy animals like badgers, camels, etc. :lol:

I watched a program on siberian tigers the other day. I watch in awe when I see one at a zoo movig around as they are so beautiful yet so poowerful looking as well!!
White tigers :) , close second would be a Geoffrey's cat :wub:

Why do you like white tigers? I like how they look, just think there a bit pointless, along the line of white lions and giant pandas lol

Im a cat person!!!, saying a white tiger is pointless is like saying a white demostic cat is too?

moggys are domesticated though so it doesn't matter what colour they are. There are white lion reintroduction groups, its that sort of thing thats 100% pointless, the reason they don't exist in the wild is that they are a random genetic mutation which causes the white colouration, and if naturally born they stick out like a simpson in the arctic.
White tigers :) , close second would be a Geoffrey's cat :wub:

Why do you like white tigers? I like how they look, just think there a bit pointless, along the line of white lions and giant pandas lol

Im a cat person!!!, saying a white tiger is pointless is like saying a white demostic cat is too?

moggys are domesticated though so it doesn't matter what colour they are. There are white lion reintroduction groups, its that sort of thing thats 100% pointless, the reason they don't exist in the wild is that they are a random genetic mutation which causes the white colouration, and if naturally born they stick out like a simpson in the arctic.

"The white Siberian tiger lives in cold and snowy spruce forests in eastern Russia "

Doesnt that mean that they are ment to be white, ie like you say to blend into there natarual habbitat....SNOW!!!!

Making them siberian tigers ???

I think that alone makes them far from pointless, and im sorry but if you think any endangered species is pointless you need to rethink this post alittle :p
my idiotic dog spike staffie x collie


wasn't the siberians i was talking about, however prioratisation of conservation on flagship species with no other benefit is a little pointless. I was meaning conservation of hybrids of mutations which can't survive in situ
cats, domestic or wild, much more alpha than dumb, weak dogs ;)

and penguins. I love them! always make me laugh....if you push a penguin over, how does he get up?

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