Falcon Pet


Jun 11, 2013
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When I was younger I had a falcon. One day my mom went to backyard and saw a wounded bird. She picked it up and took it inside the house. We figured that the bird has a broken wing but neither of us were aware that this bird was a falcon, and because we had some parakeets, we tried to feed it seeds. When my father arrived he freaked out about it, saying it could have ripped our fingers and stuff. We then kind of figure it was a falcon. Against my dad's will, we kept the falcon. We named her Heidi because she would always stay to watched tv when Heidi was on. She was our pet for many years, she never attacked us or any of the other pets. She later on died of a disease. Just felt like saying the story. I haven't heard of anyone having a pet falcon.
Awee C: That's such a sweet story. And that's very good  that you helped her out. ^_^ You did a good thing 
She was a fun pet to have. I guess she really liked us because she would always come back. She would sleep inside the house next to my bed.
Man, that's pretty awesome. Falcons are really beautiful birds, I bet you have a lot of great memories with her. Do you happen to have any pictures of the falcon? It would be awesome to see...
At time I didn't have a camara, and even now that I do have one, I rarely take pictures because I am horrible at it.
That would probably be the coolest animal to have as a pet!  I personally would try to train it and go hunt something with it or something cool with it!!
She did hunt some mice. But we had rabbits and a squirrel so we ddidnt want her killing the other pets. But she got along with them well.
Falcons are amazing. Its hard to get a liscense for keeping raptors in the US, which is a shame, but probably for the best since they do need very specialized care and committed owners.
Well, I was living in Mexico. So I didn't really need a license. I had to learn form zero pretty much but I think I did a good job.

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