

Jack Of All Trades
Jul 11, 2009
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mine would be the passenger pigeon and the carolina parakeet, anyone else??
Wild Celestial Pearl danios in the space of four years... Horrfying
Wild Redline Torpedo Barbs on verge of extinction after excessive capture for the hobby (for now many years either)... Very sad
Wild Celestial Pearl danios in the space of four years... Horrfying
Wild Redline Torpedo Barbs on verge of extinction after excessive capture for the hobby (for now many years either)... Very sad
the denisonii barb is bouncing back after laws introduced on wild fishing of them :good:
Wild Celestial Pearl danios in the space of four years... Horrfying
Wild Redline Torpedo Barbs on verge of extinction after excessive capture for the hobby (for now many years either)... Very sad
the denisonii barb is bouncing back after laws introduced on wild fishing of them :good:

also heard someone manajed to breed on accident so at least we know its possible
The Velociraptor! In fact all the dinosaurs! Oh and dragons!

Alessa .
The Velociraptor! In fact all the dinosaurs! Oh and dragons!

Alessa .

Care to expand on that point?

Off the top of my head, a 'recent' extinction I would have like to have seen would be Haast's Eagle.
The elephant MAN

No, uh is this topic animals we think should be extinct, animals which are active which we want to see, or animals who will be extinct if we don't do something. It doesn't actually say...

Really SHOULD be extinct:
Probably humans. We like to think of ourselves as the most important creature on the planet but why are we? So we destroy the homes and food supplies of other animals because it makes things better for us.

Animals which ARE extinct:
I'm gonna have to go with a type of whale on this one. Either Ambulocetus, Maiacetus or Rodhocetus. Simply because of the amazing evolutionary tale they show. These whales were not only semiterrestrial (or should I say semi aquatic) but also had arms/front legs. They were alive 45-50 million years ago. And evolved into our whales. By the time evolution reached the Basilosaurus about 38 million years ago the arms had morphed into flippers/fins.

Animals which WILL go extinct unless we intervene:
Amur leopard. Such a beautiful animal. We've killed them for their coats. We've destroyed their homes for wood, we've killed them as pests stealing chickens and things from farms, and we've stolen their food sources leaving them to starve. Now there are about 35 of them left in the wild. 35! Tgats nothing. For most people now that's like being at school and you come out of a lesson to find that only your class are alive out of everyone on the planet. It's meant that breeding programs have very few specimens to choose from so the gene pool is weakening.
The Velociraptor! In fact all the dinosaurs! Oh and dragons!

Alessa .

Care to expand on that point?

They actually found a real mother dragon encased in ice with her daughter. They had been preserved because they were encased completely in ice. They were the only dragons ever found but they were hidden well behind walls of ice in a cave of ice. They had to dig through the ice to find them. The wounds on the dragon showed both dragon had been killed because they were stabbed with spears. They then became encases in ice and preserved.

Animals which WILL go extinct unless we intervene:
Amur leopard. Such a beautiful animal. We've killed them for their coats. We've destroyed their homes for wood, we've killed them as pests stealing chickens and things from farms, and we've stolen their food sources leaving them to starve. Now there are about 35 of them left in the wild. 35! Tgats nothing. For most people now that's like being at school and you come out of a lesson to find that only your class are alive out of everyone on the planet. It's meant that breeding programs have very few specimens to choose from so the gene pool is weakening.

They definitely need saving! I love these animals!

Alessa x.

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