
Pinta Island Tortoise
I really feel sorry for Lonesome George :sad:
It was like that but not exactly the same. I know it had "the last dragon" in the name but i don't think it was actually called that. Sorry if i confused you. I thought it was called "the last dragon" but it might have had something else in the name. I watched the trailer and it wasn't the same as that.

@ Shroob - I think they once existed.

Mystical x.

That's worse than people who believe in faires.
save the felines! they are beautiful animals! save the turtles! save the fish! white tigers are awesome. hopefully they will always stay.
The Beatles will be extinct one day.

thats bad news.

as for animals that shoud be extinct, i wish there would be a worldwide disease that affected nothing other than wasps. i cant think of anything they do that another animal couldnt do if wasps didnt exist. all they do is ruin your picnic's, land on your ice cream, and make you look like you're having a fit in public when one gets too close.
Many things I agree with in this thread;

Humans should be extinct. Yup, we're nothing but a massive pest problem.

Thylacine / Tazzy Tiger. Slim possibility it may still be surviving in pockets, but a shame nonetheless. Amazing creature.

and on the case of dragons. It's perfectly possible the idea of large flying lizards similar to the fairytale idea of dragons. If pterosaurs with 30 foot wingspans can exist and fly, then the possibility of a dragon is not something to be scoffed at. (Okay, it won't breath fire and it won't hoard treasure). We find amazing new species of dinosaur every year that could never have existed before, and there's still so much to be found. Don't write off the idea of dragons yet!!

The one species I wish had never became extinct though, Troodon. The smartest dinosaur found so far. If it hadn't been wiped out by whatever mullered the earth, it would be the ruling species, not us. Idea is backed by many top scientists.
and on the case of dragons. It's perfectly possible the idea of large flying lizards similar to the fairytale idea of dragons. If pterosaurs with 30 foot wingspans can exist and fly, then the possibility of a dragon is not something to be scoffed at. (Okay, it won't breath fire and it won't hoard treasure). We find amazing new species of dinosaur every year that could never have existed before, and there's still so much to be found. Don't write off the idea of dragons yet!!

Like I said before I would like to see the evidence. We know pterosaur existed due to fossil remains, yet as far as I'm aware there is no real evidence of fire breathing, gigantic, flying dragons(or anything similar) in the middle ages.
First off it's survival of the fittest and it's unfair to say humans should be extinct but I think that's not an appropriate topic for this type of discussion. :p Yes, humans are a main contributor to extinction of certain animals etc. However we are not the only ones. Extinction is a means to evolution though.

pterodactyls would be pretty sweet if they weren't extinct and we learned how to fly on the back of them. Of course their would be max altitudes but it would be fun. That's my inner kid speaking though haha.
Yes, I HATE wasps, never want to see one more in my life :grr: :shout:
I have proof of a type of dragon that still exists, the bearded dragon. I know it's just a lizard but I just had to put that!
I will not budge on the whole dragon thing, even if I can't prove it.

I have proof of a type of dragon that still exists, the bearded dragon. I know it's just a lizard but I just had to put that!
I will not budge on the whole dragon thing, even if I can't prove it.


Grrrrr, so you have some sort of 'faith' to believe in dragons?

Not having a go - sorry if it appears that way when written in text - but that's why I prefer science over religion/beliefs. Science changes its views based on evidence, its pure and has no agenda or motive. Religion/beliefs are static, unchanging and try to maintain their ways in spite of the evidence.
Yes I believe in dragons. That's final.


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