Please help! I woke this morning to find my pleco swimming strangely on the bottom not attached to any surfaces like she usually is. She is very pale in color and I immediately moved her to a hospital tank with clean water and fresh filter cartridge, bare bottom no decorations of anything. I went to the store to buy a smaller heater for this tank as the main one wouldn't fit. Here are a few pictures. Earlier she was just pale but still feisty, when I came home she was paler and completely flared out, fins and her little barbs under her gills, barely moving! I've checked my water parameters with the test strips and I'll be checking with my local LFS just in case I'm reading it wrong, my other fish are otherwise fine and showing no signs of distress. What do I do? I've had her for four years, I'd do anything not to lose her! I'm afraid to try any chemical methods as she seems so stressed and I wouldn't even begin to know what to use. I'm sorry the photos are not the best, but I don't have a very good camera. Although its dark, she is VERY pale from her snout to her tail in blotches. Some normal gold, others white.
My poor pleco passed away a little over an hour after posting this. Thank you to those who responded.
My poor pleco passed away a little over an hour after posting this. Thank you to those who responded.