Eggs Or Somthing Wrong ?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2011
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I have 2 talking catfish in my tank ( 6 inch one )
And now today ive gone out looking for another one to bread them.
there is only 1 in the whole of wales.
I rang ever shop in wales and found 1.

I drove hours and hour when i got him / her i think it was laying eggs ?
It was like orangey ? are these eggs ?
or is it just poo ?

or is there something wrong ?

p.s there was some orange some yellow and some black ones they was like beads
A picture would help a lot but if they are quite circular and somewhat transparent, they are probably eggs.
I put them back in the tank with the fish.
Its a raphael cat. I bought it and they put it in a bag for me and i noticed little eggs in the bag. I then drove home and there was loads more in there..
I then put it in the tank with my other raphael cat and it started rubbing under my big raphael cat
The raphael cat i bought is 2inch i do not know how old they can lay eggs from ? but the old 1 in my tank is about 5 - 6 inch which its chasing he seems to be chasing my bigger one and going under his belly like swimming under him.
The eggs/ poo was yellow little tiny bead like things there was yellow orange and black ones.
And when you crush 1 it pops ( so do not think its poo ) ?
Does any 1 know what there poo looks like ? it ent like balls is it ?

I know this ent a talking catfish but you can see little ball things under him ?

See the little different colour ball things under him ? my catfish did the same are these eggs ?
I can't see anything in that picture. If it "popped" like you said, then it's most likely eggs, (stop popping them lol).
haha love how your popping them, Sounds like eggs too me ;) Good luck. Keep us posted.

Look at the arrow :lol:
My talking catifh is doing the same

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