New Member
Hi all, wanted some advice/help. Yesterday I picked up two females I had bought two weeks prior to put in my son's new cycled empty tank. The seller says that one of them has become "egg bound" due to "stress" of being keep an extra day in partitioned tank next to male. When I took them home one appears fine but the "egg bound" one was just lying often on side, on bottom of bag. Since being added to a 30 litre tank just with other female only, with water parameters testing fine, she is not looking great. She is just lying on bottom or on leaves and only quickly darting up for air and straight back to lie down. It's doesn't appear well at all... Advice BTW I did look up egg bloat online and all the info I read said that it would actually be something resolved by being in visible presence of male, not what causes it.... So little confused on this conflicting information... there is no visible pineconing that. I can see either. I have now I placed her in a floating breeding chamber so she doesn't have so far to go for air as it's a rather tall tank.