Dwarf Gouramis !?!?!?


Mostly New Member
Sep 9, 2013
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Hello I've just come back from Pet-smart with another load of fish, XD While I was there I saw the gouramis that get  2-3 1/2".
I really like them and I was wondering if you can keep them with tropical community fish, I have a rubber lip pleco, guppies, mollies, platies some neon and other tetras African dwarf frogs, corydoras catfish (not pygmies), Otocinclus catfish and kuhili loaches. I will be getting everything into a 29 gallon within a month and if they can cooperate some dwarf gouramis will be in too.
What are the exact number of those fish? The tank sounds overstocked :/
I would think a Dwarf Gourami would be compatible with those fish :)
Make sure to research about Dwarf Gourami Disease so if your DG gets it you can catch it in its early stages.
Alright thanks! And yes the tank is a little overstocked but the new 29 gallon is cycling right now.
I think Blondie meant that it sounds like that's a few too many fish for a 29 gallon, seeing as you didn't say what size tank they're in now.  If you'll post the exact numbers for each species we can help you know whether or not it is, and how to improve it.  After all that's what we're here to do, learn, and to help others learn along the way! :)
Betta_Shark5678 said:
I think Blondie meant that it sounds like that's a few too many fish for a 29 gallon, seeing as you didn't say what size tank they're in now.  If you'll post the exact numbers for each species we can help you know whether or not it is, and how to improve it.  After all that's what we're here to do, learn, and to help others learn along the way!
Yes, thats exactly what I meant :)
A male DG may not appreciate brightly coloured guppies at all, I'm afraid. Their flowing, bright tails will be seen as a threat and the DG will give chase.
And yes, that sounds like a lot of fishies for a 29gal tank.
  And the tank is still cycling.
The otos and loaches are at serious risk of death from any amount of NH3/NO2.
DreamertK said:
  And the tank is still cycling.
The otos and loaches are at serious risk of death from any amount of NH3/NO2.
I think she meant fishless cycling but I may be wrong.
DreamertK said:
  And the tank is still cycling.
The otos and loaches are at serious risk of death from any amount of NH3/NO2.
They are not in the cycling tank. and won't be until it is done
I love all my fishies too much to put them in harms way.

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