Mostly New Member
Hello I've just come back from Pet-smart with another load of fish, XD While I was there I saw the gouramis that get 2-3 1/2".
I really like them and I was wondering if you can keep them with tropical community fish, I have a rubber lip pleco, guppies, mollies, platies some neon and other tetras African dwarf frogs, corydoras catfish (not pygmies), Otocinclus catfish and kuhili loaches. I will be getting everything into a 29 gallon within a month and if they can cooperate some dwarf gouramis will be in too.
I really like them and I was wondering if you can keep them with tropical community fish, I have a rubber lip pleco, guppies, mollies, platies some neon and other tetras African dwarf frogs, corydoras catfish (not pygmies), Otocinclus catfish and kuhili loaches. I will be getting everything into a 29 gallon within a month and if they can cooperate some dwarf gouramis will be in too.