
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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and if you find some good pieces of totally dried out hardwood, then YOU can sell them on ebay for big prices :lol:
Update: Still hasn't sunk yet. the shrimp are enjoying scavenging on it though! I cant wait until it sinks, itt will look so great. Good night TFF. :)
just put a heavy rock on it...that will sink it..eventually it will stay down on it's own
Update: I got tired of waiting, so I weighed it down with dragon stone. it still doesn't look good though, i'll be happy when it finally sinks, then I can add the java moss.
Update: I added java moss via fishing line to a the driftwood. I haven't put it all on there yet, just in 1 spot.
Here are the update pictures:

As you can see, it’s will look great, once they sink.

Here is the java fern I have attached so far:

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