Does Your Betta Have His Own Personality?


Fish Crazy
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
About 2 months ago, i bought my very first betta, Edgar, and i am so in love with him!! Sometimes he hides/rests in the back of the tank behind the plants, but if i open up the lid and say, "Edgar! Where are you Edgar?" (in that high, sing songy voice that you reserve for puppies and small children), he quickly swims out to greet me. Okay, i know he only does this because he knows this usually means feeding time, BUT SITLL. He is SO CUTE! Today i told Edgar that i wished i could take him out of his tank and cuddle him. Please tell me i'm not the only person who feels this way (and that i'm not the only person who talks to their betta)!
Nope! ;D That behaviour is common of myself, too. ^^; I was congratulating the boys when they flared at each other a few nights ago; and, also, Mr. Wimpy Fish, after I saw one of those absolutely *huge* (in terms of height, atvl) bubble nests. ;D ^^;
Bettas totally have their own personalities. One day while googling around, I found a You Tube video of a betta *being petted*. The little betta LOVED it as much as a cat loves to be cuddled. It was so adorable.
Yes, they totally have personalitites! My old betta shimmer (rip) was full of it, i would put my finger in and say kisss every night before i went bed and he'd give my figner a bite!
And alphie my current betta has a good personality too, yesterday i moved my whole room around and now alphie is right next to my bed, his tank facing me and this morning ive woke up and hes made a giant bubble nest! Hes still extending it now, i dont know if its because i comfort him sat near him or just a coinicidence!
I love bettas because of there colours and personality etc! =]
Alphie comes to the top when i poke my head in, and sometimes i dont always beleive its just for food :)
Totally! My Betta is like a puppy. Always happy to see any of my family and is doing silly things. He seems to like to play "chase" with some Danios in my tank. The Danio will swim slow and let him chase him for a little while, then just dart off to the other Danios.
Haha cute everyone. Bettas are funny little fish. Mine just got hyper when I came in the roo
. I use to keep mine next to the computer and he would watch me and swimm up and down. Now he is in a 36 gal community tank but he still comes out to say hi just not like before.
my betta used to love me stroking his tale... when some-one esle attemtped to stroke him he'd run off... he sued to eat out of my hand... but he died of bloat i think... ( im not sure but he was ill :( :sad: :rip: nero :( )
Oh boy do they ever have personalities!

And you're normal LOL - I make my husband say goodnight to the fish!
My Betta is the man! He has as much personality as a dog. I've been spending countless hours and late nights working on music compositions on my computer. My Betta's tank is on my computer desk right next to my computer. He sits and watches me for hours keeping me company on that side of the tank. When I go to lay down on my bed which is parallel to the tanks on the other side he comes and starts building his bubble nest for me exactly at that moment. I usually fall asleep to him making his Bubble nest on a daily basis.

He also chases his tail like a dog and wags his tail when he wants me to feed him. Awesome fish.

I'd be content with just having my Betta tank and not my other 20 gallon tank.

Thought I'd share : )
they are all so great in their own individual ways.
my old red guy is very lazy these days. he plays very well with the other fish in his tank. love to "cuddle" with the cories and try to steal their food pellets.. also sleeps sideways on the crypt in the tank. first time i saw it, i thought he was in a bad way..but thats how he relaxes i guess. like a lounge chair. very cute stuff. also the MOST inquisitive of any of my fish. goes absolutely MENTAL for peas. about the only thing that can get him zooming around these days(hes at LEAST three years old. had him over two and was fulllly grown in body and finnage when i acquired him). he also has completely given up flaring..too old to be bothered i guess..used to flare at a mirror, but not for a wile now. maybe he has figured out the "game" and couldnt be bothered..wouldnt surprise me, hes pretty grumpy old man :wub: :blush:

my second oldest is crazy. he must spend 3-4 hours a day flaring at the apple snails in his tank. does not flare at a mirror, rather runs and hides from his reflection. he also flares at the plants, the bubbles from the filter, a camera if i try to take photos or anything i put next to the tank (loves to flare at the nitrite drops when they go into the tubes on testing days)..silly guy. EVERYTHING is the suspect. but especially the snails. glad he can keep himself occupied :) he also absolutely refuses to eat pellets. god knows ive tried :/

my little guy is a zoomer. always swimming around and checking things out. he also (like most bettas) always thinks its feeding time when im near the tank. he also takes rides in the bubbles from the sponge filter. that is really fun to watch! cracks me up. he also thinks the syphon is a circus ride, so i have to be especially careful at waterchanges.

none of my fish have names, but i talk to them allll the time. say good morning at lights on and good night lights out.
i could go on and on and on...but i wont :)
i almost did a spit take. thanks for the sarcasm. i love it!
My guy Dusty (RIP) had a definate personality. He was so placcid and used to love riding the current from the filter, would swim into the current and then let it sweep him round the front of the tank. He also used to love swimming into one of the holes of the urn I have in there and out another. It was very much his urn lol. The once he showed any aggression was when a flame tetra mistook his tail for a flake of food. He chased him for all of 2 seconds then went back to the urn.
When i moved him out of the tank he sulked for days but would still come and swim near me.

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