Does Anyone Know What This Lump Could Be?


New Member
Nov 12, 2012
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Melbourne, Australia
This is one of my female guppies, I don't know if this is an injury or not. the two males have been swimming around and under her a lot lately trying to mate with her so I'm not sure if it's because of that. Any replies would be most appreciated thanks

I have attached 2 pictures, the bubble like lump is under her belly.
It's not normal. Has she had babies recently? Part of me is thinking its prolapse (uterus hanging out), but I'm not really sure that's it. Does the lump seem to be coming from where she poops? I can't quite tell from the photo.

Just wanted to suggest that you also post in the Tropical Fish Emergency section so you get some more responses.
The guppy looks skinny and the prolapse at the bottom looks like to have been caused either by internal parasites, in partucular"hexamita" or possibly recent birth? I dealt with hexamita years ago, it will affect all the fish if not treated and happens very slowly, may take months. Check your water conditions, not properly maintained tank with unadequate filtration, recent ammonia/nitrIte spikes, etc..can cause them to succumb to it.

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