German Blue Ram with swollen eye


New Member
May 22, 2021
Reaction score
Tank size: 180L (101cm in length)
tank age: 4 years
pH: 6.8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: 6°
gH: >7°
tank temp: 27°C

Fish Symptoms: Swollen eye for about a month now. It suddenly appeared one day, which led me to believe he hit something and the swelling was caused by trauma. After it initially appeared, I read up on the symptoms of pop-eye. With that information, I confirmed for myself it must've been caused by injury, since it was sudden and only one eye. I read it can take weeks for the swelling to go away and to just keep the tank clean and make sure the fish acts normal. It was quite stable during the first weeks, it even seemed to reduce a little bit. Then about 2 weeks ago it started growing again slowly. I'm a bit worried now that it's something else, as for the past few days, the swelling has started turning pink and has started growing a second lump. It makes me think it's something else, possibly a tumor? If it's something that seems treatable, I'll gladly get some medicine and try to treat it. If it is a lost cause, I will just wait to see how the fish does. If he starts behaving oddly or seems unwell, I will consider euthanizing him. So far that's not on my mind though.

Fish behavior: The fish acts completely normal and energetic, is eating as usual, chases other fish away from his territory and still courts his female as well. Tthey have regularly produced clutches of eggs together, though I don't take those out to breed with them and the community fish usually eat the eggs. The pair of rams is roughly one year old now.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Weekly water changes varying between 30 or 50L. Bi-weekly replacement of the fine filter floss, rinsing the filter sponges if necessary.

Chemical Additives: Tetra AquaSafe to treat tap water, weekly dose of EasyLife Profito fertilizer when doing a water change.

Media in the tank: Fine filter floss at filter intake, several sponges of varying courseness, SuperFish Crystal Clear media, 2 Superfish Nitrate pads.

Tank inhabitants: 8 bleeding heart tetras, 4 glowlight tetras (I know they like to be with more, but they are a remnant population of a bigger shoal), 8 neon tetras, 7 emperor tetras, 2 corydoras (part of a remnant population from another tank), 1 bristlenose pleco

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 2 new plants in the past month (after the eye issue was already there) and hydrocotyle japan a bit before the issue began.

Exposure to chemicals: None

Not the greatest pictures, but hopefully clear enough to diagnose the issue. If not, I'll take some more pics when the lights are back on tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully someone can help with this and it's not too late yet. If any more info is required, I'll try to provide it.

Any advice is welcome and thank you in advance to anyone who replies!


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Blurk, gross :(

It looks like a tumour. There's no cure for them and due to the area, I would euthanise the fish.
Blurk, gross :(

It looks like a tumour. There's no cure for them and due to the area, I would euthanise the fish.

Not the answer I was hoping for, but it's what I feared. It'll be a shame to lose the fish, since he's the biggest and most gentle ram I've owned so far. Thanks for your reply.

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