🇩🇰 Den Blå Planet


fishy wishy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 18, 2021
Reaction score
Greater Manchester
🇩🇰 While at an Esports tournement in Copenhagen I managed to get some free time and go to Kastrup and had a visit to the national aquarium. This is the first non UK aquarium I've ever been to and it was amazing. This video shows just a few of their exhibits and aquariums.

(Sorry for poor image quality filmed on phone)
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It is a popular outing, I have been many times. (This link takes you to the English version of the website, I don't know why it is showing the Dansk version here).
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It is a popular outing, I have been many times. (This link takes you to the English version of the website, I don't know why it is showing the Dansk version here).
I really enjoyed it and my time in DK. What made it even better was a meal at Cafe Kystens Perle ;)

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