Personally I never kept my discus at more than 26 deg C anyway unless they were spawning or had fry. Where discus come from, they arent exposed to high temperatures all of the time, they can cope with fluctuating tempratures pretty well. If they are in good health and not stressed out, they are a lot hardier then people expect them to be.
Thinking about it... if i was raising babies in a grow on tank, I might run it at a higher temperature too as it will help with their growth rate.... but just for general 'keeping a few discus' I don't think the temperatures need to be about 26/27.
As for the tank being 180L, it's not going to last them forever unless it is just a bare tank with no overcrowding of plants etc then 3 discus... and even then when they start getting older, they will outgrow it by the time they are dinner plate sized.