Hi, I have a 180 litre long tank, currently with 20 Cardinal tetras a group of 10 Otocinclus and one small bristlenose. Unwittingly I've realised all these fish are roughly found in the same region so I thought it would be good to make it an approximate biotope. A small group of Corys would be a good addition to the bottom of the tank but I'm unsure of which species, any suggestions? I'm also considering adding a small group of rummynose tetras.
The tank has 2 external filters, a tetratec ex600 and ex700, pH 6.7, temperature 25 c,a sandy bottom with cabomba and plenty of bogwood.
The tank has 2 external filters, a tetratec ex600 and ex700, pH 6.7, temperature 25 c,a sandy bottom with cabomba and plenty of bogwood.