Cory got stuck behind filter


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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Ahhh!!! I couldn't find one of my cories for the past day so I just did a search of the tank and found him stuck behind my filter where the suction cups are!! He was bent in there and I thought for sure he was dead but as I was pulling the filter out he moved so I got him out and he sunk to the bottom of the tank. He is bent now though and I am worried maybe he broke something?? :-(

Will he straighten back out? I've never had this happen before. Besides being bent he seems ok. Ugh I feel horrible :sick:
Sorry if he is bent there isn't much you can do, just keep an eye on him leave him in peace and quiet and turn the lights out, maybe add some melafix to the tank, good luck.
does he swim?

if he broke something it might heal up or he might die... hard to could try moving him to his own tank if possible to make sure he gets some food on a regular basis. Keep your fingers crossed. He might heal up naturally!
So sorry about your corey... :( :/

You are NOT going to believe this but I saw on a tv show about chiropractors, a chiropractor that does animals, including FISH! :crazy: Honestly I watched her giving adjustments to two goldfish. The patients in her outer office ranged from people to gineau pigs(that was soooo cute watching her stretch their tiny back legs :wub: ) to horses, snakes and fish. Seeing somebody sitting in that office with a bowl of fish....oh my. So I suppose there just MIGHT be help out there for your corey after all. :nod: I don't know which country she lived in though. Bummer.
Alright I just turned the lights off and I dropped a couple small pieces of wafer in. I really hope he'll be ok by the morning. If not can he still have a normal life even if he's bent?? :-( Poor little guy

Yeah he's trying to swim around...I just looked and he looks less bent so maybe he will heal on his own. I'll move him to a breeding net inside the tank...that way like you said I'll be able to make sure he gets food.
Yes he might heal fish can surprise you, I wouldn't put him in a breeder net it might stress him out even more with being trapped, probably prefer to be in the open, hope he pulls through.
Snowyzmom - I never would of imagined a chiropractor that deals with fish :eek: That's kinda neat :) I wonder what something like that would cost though...and then the fish could die from the stress of it all :/

Wilder - yeah your right about the breeding net it might stress him out even more. I'll just keep the lights off and keep him in the main tank.

I feel so bad for him..and so dumb!! :X :S I should of looked for him earlier but since I have a lot of plants in my tank and wood I just thought he was hiding somewhere.
I no it's awful I once found two black neons in my filter dead, the sucktion cup had fallen off and they got into the filter, that made me feel awful, but fish do tend to go where they shouldn't, good luck.
I had a danio get stuck between a heater and heater guard... he pulled theough but he was a new fish in a quarantine tank and it turned out he had tb so I had to euthanise. :( Hope your cory gets well soon.
Hope he gets better soon :( My guppy swims near the filter, silly thing. Luckily he's on his own at the moment so I can turn it down a bit.
Oh dear, poor fella. Don't feel bad though, checkout my post in chit chat about nearly killing my clown loach :crazy: Hope he gets well soon :)
I can't believe it but I woke up yesterday morning and my cory wasn't bent anymore and he was fine as can be :D I am so happy!!!

I never would of thought he would be ok....he looked so bent and I was certain he was going to die. I guess I found him at the right time :thumbs:

They must be strong little guys :wub:
Great nice to hear he has pulled through, happy ending which dosn't always happen much in this hobby.

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