Heya fokes, As some know I have a 120gallon tank or 450 litres.
I've bought two T bar Cichlids which seem to enjoy nothing more but floating around or chasing each other. I knew this when buying cichlids they can be a bit nasty but there not that bad, I've seen worse.
Anyway, I love cichlids, Amazing fish and was wondering if its possible to get more or do something else.
A quick run down of stock:
8 Red line torpedo barbs
12 Rosy barbs
1 Syno catfish
1 Pleco
2 T Bars
That's it stock wise, So if any cichlid fans can shed some light on this would be epic. Thanks.
I've bought two T bar Cichlids which seem to enjoy nothing more but floating around or chasing each other. I knew this when buying cichlids they can be a bit nasty but there not that bad, I've seen worse.
Anyway, I love cichlids, Amazing fish and was wondering if its possible to get more or do something else.
A quick run down of stock:
8 Red line torpedo barbs
12 Rosy barbs
1 Syno catfish
1 Pleco
2 T Bars
That's it stock wise, So if any cichlid fans can shed some light on this would be epic. Thanks.