Channa Bleheri Tankmates

Well geos green snakehead has a BN plec in its tank, and rainbows get to arround the same size I think, but I dont know about aggressiveness.
By the way, isnt that just the best bleheri youve ever seen :drool: <<<<<<<< (My pic)

Im not sure, I personally havent had experiance with them, but Im sure someone else on here will. Id imagine their gape is pretty big, for the size of them. You may also need to consider water conditions of them...

Hi demonmagus :)

Snakeheads have huge mouths in relation to their body size, my gachua sometimes does the 'yawning' thing and its pretty impressive.
To be honest, a 2" krib would be eaten just like that. I wouldnt put channa gachua or channa bleheri in with anything under 4", and it has to be able to stick up for itself, as it wont get a very nice welcome when its first in the tank so it must be able to stand its ground. I have heard that channa bleheri get to the same kind of size, if anything a tiny bit smaller, but nothing that would make much of a difference.
Try anything over 4". Plecs and doradids are ok because they are 'armour plated' and have small spines on the body. The snakehead may try and eat it, but should give up quickly and ignore the plec. Other tough fish like snakefish and bichirs also work well.

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