Fish Crazy
My tank is established now for over 6 months, and all doing well. Water changes and regular checks all good; constantly pH 7.6, zero ammonia, zero nitrite and maintain 10-20ppm nitrate. Four weeks ago I added plants and lost one shrimp (removed immediately, water tests still good as mentioned previously). Two weeks ago I added a pair of small rams, all doing well, water tests still good. No change in anything for past two weeks. About a week ago I noticed I had only six and not seven neon tetras, but didn't find the missing fish. This evening I checked water just before the 20 litre change, as I always do, and tested zero ammonia but about 0.5ppm nitrite. So I did a bigger water change and will do another tomorrow until nitrite is back down to zero. I can only assume the missing tetra has hidden somewhere and died, and is now causing the nitrite spike. Could one small dead neon cause such a spike, if not what else could it be? I haven't changed or cleaned any filter media or substrate, or anything in last two weeks. Thanks!