🐠 TOTM CaptainBarnicles - February Tank of the Month Winner (31 gal & larger)


TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
February 2024 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 9 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 31 gallon and larger but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate them
Here's the winning tank and its description

I wish I had another tank to showcase but as a recovering MTS sufferer I have but only one.

This is my 240l Fluval Roma, home to Boesemani rainbows, Cherry Barbs, a Pelvicachromis Pulcher pair, a few shy Amano shrimps and a bunch of ramshorn snails.

I seem to do alright with Cryptocoryne so I've stuffed this tank full with different varieties. My favourite is the Balansae growing back and centre, it has taken a while to get going since I first planted it but seems to be taking off now. I've tried many different plants and none do as well as the crypts. I dot a few root tabs around and use TNC lite fertiliser once a week.

Lighting used is the generic lamp that came with the set up, if I'm not mistaken it's from the Aquasky range.

The canister filter I use is also from the Fluval range and came with the tank as well, it works really well and is simple to clean.

Hardscape includes dragon stone, mopani wood and limpopo black sand.

Maintenance is done weekly without fail, a scrub of the glass with my magnet cleaner and a 50% water change which I do with a siphon out the window onto the lawn and a pond pump in a bucket in the kitchen sink to return clean water to the tank. I pluck out the dead and damaged leaves as and when I see them.

The fish are fed as much variety as I can manage including live or frozen bugs and worms, spirulina flakes, bug bites, spinach and peas.

This is a very low maintenance tank and mostly looks after itself, it's been up and running 2-3 years? I forget. My little boy absolutely loves sitting in front of it with me and has taken a keen interest which I'm thrilled about. Hopefully he will find a love for fishkeeping himself and instill it into his own children one day...or at the very least do the water changes for me on this tank! 🧐
Congrats to @CaptainBarnicles for the win with her 240 litre Fluval Roma tank. That is one exquisitely aquascaped tank. Nice job.
Coming in second place is @WhistlingBadger with his 55 Gallon Himalayan Foothills Paludarium. Quite the unique setup you have there, WB.
And coming in third place is @Mazain with their 100 gallon superbly aquascaped tank. Very nice layout, Mazain!

Right now we are accepting entries for our February Fish of the Month contest. For February, we are featuring Livebearers. If you have a livebearer in your tank, we hope you enter it in the contest.
CLICK HERE to view the entry thread.

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