1x boesemani rainbow 1x dwarf neon rainbow 1x red rainbow 4x firemouths (incl. pair) 1x chinese algae eater 2x figure eight puffers 1x yoyo loach 2x vieja melanurus 5x red eye congo tetras 1x triangle cihlid and 3x silver dollars
Boesmani rainbows, neon rainbows, an red rainbows are all schooling fish, and just like tetras, need to bekt kept with 6 of their own kind.
yoyo loaches are also schoolers.
The chinese algae eater was a horrible idea. They'll be sure to suck on any fish they can get a hold of and leave horrible scars and even open wounds when they mature.
The viejas are going to get too large for your tank.
The breeding pair of firemouths may beat the living crap out of the other firemouths eventually.
Don't know much about triangle cichlids. But they get big just like the viejas. And all cichlids like their space.
Figure eight puffers are brackish water, and won't last all too long when kept permanently in fresh water.