Just picked up a Knight Goby from my LFS yesterday. The guys there said that it would be fine in a freshwater tank. However, upon doing more research at home, it seems that Knight Gobys thrive in brackish water. I am wondering if I can keep my tank as is (freshwater) or should I look into making it a more brackish environment?
I currently have a 29gal tank with:
1 knight goby
1 gold gourami
3 tiger barbs
1 leopard bush fish
1 pictus catfish
Research says a SG of 1.003 is sufficient for Knight Gobys. Will the rest of my fish tolerate these settings? I also have some live plants. How would I go about getting my water to a SG of 1.003 gradually?
Please help! Thanks
Just picked up a Knight Goby from my LFS yesterday. The guys there said that it would be fine in a freshwater tank. However, upon doing more research at home, it seems that Knight Gobys thrive in brackish water. I am wondering if I can keep my tank as is (freshwater) or should I look into making it a more brackish environment?
I currently have a 29gal tank with:
1 knight goby
1 gold gourami
3 tiger barbs
1 leopard bush fish
1 pictus catfish
Research says a SG of 1.003 is sufficient for Knight Gobys. Will the rest of my fish tolerate these settings? I also have some live plants. How would I go about getting my water to a SG of 1.003 gradually?
Please help! Thanks