Can Knight Gobys Be Kept In Freshwater Tanks?


New Member
Mar 3, 2014
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Just picked up a Knight Goby from my LFS yesterday. The guys there said that it would be fine in a freshwater tank. However, upon doing more research at home, it seems that Knight Gobys thrive in brackish water. I am wondering if I can keep my tank as is (freshwater) or should I look into making it a more brackish environment?

I currently have a 29gal tank with:

1 knight goby
1 gold gourami
3 tiger barbs
1 leopard bush fish
1 pictus catfish

Research says a SG of 1.003 is sufficient for Knight Gobys. Will the rest of my fish tolerate these settings? I also have some live plants. How would I go about getting my water to a SG of 1.003 gradually?

Please help! Thanks 
to TFF!
I know nothing about brackish so likely won't be of much help but HERE is a link of info on them. If it's right they can be kept in FW but would appreciate some salt.
I can't say if the other fish would be okay with that salt level, but something you may want to look into is that the pictus cat needs a group and a bigger tank.
Sorry for being a bit negative. Maybe you could get a bigger tank to house the pictus, leopard, barbs, and gourami and then use this tank for the knight goby? :)
Hopefully someone with more experience in brackish will be along to help you soon!
there is debate as to whether knight gobies are truly brackish or if they just visit brackish waters. Either way they do tend to do better in aquaria with slight brackish water. But no, those other fish will eventually die in 1.003sg, if you really must keep them together then your water needs to be hard and high ph.
adding in some crushed coral will do this for you.
if some of your other fish can not tolerate high ph water then they are not compatible together.

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