can i keep a female betta with other fish?

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Mar 23, 2017
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I know that generally male bettas do not do well with other companions, unless they are plecos or cories but i just saw female bettas being kept in the same tanks with other fish at my little local fish store. The tanks are probably 10 gallons or so in size and i have not seen any fighting among fish. So i was wondering if this is something that can safely be done or if that store owner is asking for trouble down the line? I assume any fin-nippers would be out of the question but what about swordtails, platys and such?
Yes and no, It all depends on the fish, Some are ok others are not, Females can be just as aggressive as males.
I've kept one female in a 20gal long with corydoras, zebra danio, and a minnow I rescued from a puddle. They all got along well enough. Although this same female ripped off the tails of a couple male guppies...

I also keep/kept several females with plecos, corydoras and loaches. The girls never bothered the others, but they would always go after the food meant for the bottom feeders.

So I'm agreeing with Nick, depends on the situation and the fish. I still say that having only bottom feeders is the way to go.
I had a female PK that lived with Hengeli Rasboras for 4 months without a problem, and one day she snapped she killed 2 and was stalking a third.

I also have 4 females in a 2 foot tank and they get on fine, However I had to remove the Mystery snail because they just kept trying to eat it.
Hmmm... ok so i guess i will not try it unless i have a backup rehoming plan. Right now we have a planted 120gal tank with swordtails, mollies, platys, rasboras, gouramis and guppies. Plus plecos and corydoras. I was hoping that i could put one female betta in the mix but if i do i am gonna be prepared to remove it if problems arise. Thanks!

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