Can Discus Go With A Male Betta?


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
might seem like a stupid question but im still earning about discus! and rather than #### it up straight away i thought id ask =]
I wouldn't advise it, I would imagine both could have a go at each other's fins.
Why do you want to keep a betta with discus anyway :lol:

I wouldn't advise it, I would imagine both could have a go at each other's fins.
Why do you want to keep a betta with discus anyway :lol:
no i dont, i dont particularly like betta's but if the bird asks for one as there "pretty" i need backup!! to say no
Am I reading this right or is a discus keeper (or keeper to be) making fun of another person for liking a fish because of its appearance? -.-
Oh and uhh Discus secrete a slime from their bodies that kills Bettas almost instantly... Nope. Not compatible... Sorry ;)

what temp do discuse need to be kept at because bettas can be kept from 27- 30c

30C!? Surely that would be too hot for a Betta... Besides the OP can keep his Discus tank at 32C then no problem... ;)
Oh and uhh Discus secrete a slime from their bodies that kills Bettas almost instantly... Nope. Not compatible... Sorry ;)

what temp do discuse need to be kept at because bettas can be kept from 27- 30c

30C!? Surely that would be too hot for a Betta... Besides the OP can keep his Discus tank at 32C then no problem... ;)
28-30 is actually a good temp for a betta

and a recent paper published by heiko bleiher shows that discus actually live in temperature ranges of about 24-29 in most places in the wild.
Oh and uhh Discus secrete a slime from their bodies that kills Bettas almost instantly... Nope. Not compatible... Sorry ;)

what temp do discuse need to be kept at because bettas can be kept from 27- 30c

30C!? Surely that would be too hot for a Betta... Besides the OP can keep his Discus tank at 32C then no problem... ;)
28-30 is actually a good temp for a betta

and a recent paper published by heiko bleiher shows that discus actually live in temperature ranges of about 24-29 in most places in the wild.


Even if it is true, domesticated Discus vary quite a bit from wild Discus. If they have been kept in 30C water their whole life then a sudden change to 24 would not be good. Normally their fine for a short period but their metabolism would slow (maybe not necessarily a bad thing) but they would get stressed and end up sick. I have seen it before.
Oh and uhh Discus secrete a slime from their bodies that kills Bettas almost instantly... Nope. Not compatible... Sorry ;)

what temp do discuse need to be kept at because bettas can be kept from 27- 30c

30C!? Surely that would be too hot for a Betta... Besides the OP can keep his Discus tank at 32C then no problem... ;)
28-30 is actually a good temp for a betta

and a recent paper published by heiko bleiher shows that discus actually live in temperature ranges of about 24-29 in most places in the wild.


Even if it is true, domesticated Discus vary quite a bit from wild Discus. If they have been kept in 30C water their whole life then a sudden change to 24 would not be good. Normally their fine for a short period but their metabolism would slow (maybe not necessarily a bad thing) but they would get stressed and end up sick. I have seen it before.
youll have to read this months PFK to see it...ive not tried looking for it on the net though
Yeah I was suprised to see the actual temps they're at in the wild, next time I get some discus I think I'll try it out lower.
My discus tank is at 82f and they live with a razorback turtle and has been for about 3 years now.
Yeah I was suprised to see the actual temps they're at in the wild, next time I get some discus I think I'll try it out lower.

Cheesy, would definitley be a good experiment. My hypothesis is that they end up with Ick, or possibly other diseases due to being stressed. Domestic discus are far far different then wild Discus at this stage.

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