Fish Fanatic
I’ve been keeping koi for a few years and have been highly fortunate never to have a casualty.
I recently did a 50% water change and hoovered the sludge from my pond—the usual clean-up after winter. I have replaced some filters by dipping them in the previous pond water.
The pond is 2.4m x 2.1m x 1.2m deep. I'm using a cup-7000 internal UV filter, which has never caused problems.
I have a total of 3 goldfish, 1 shunbunkin (starter fish), and 6 koi. All are roughly 10 inches in size apart from one that has had huge growth in comparison and is double their size.
I noticed yesterday during my routine observation that the shubunkin had some form of growth (I thought was cotton wool) on its gill. Decided it would be best to isolate and check but upon closer inspection, it appeared to be more like a blister with a yellow tinge.
I believe it may have injured itself at some point and an ulcer had formed but I've never seen an ulcer this colour before.
After netting aside using a rubber net, and holding him aside, he'd seemed to have given up on life. I proceeded to treat him with NTLABS ulcer and fin bacterial treatment.
But, he wasn't moving after two hours.
He was eating normal, swimming fine and all of that. No thrashing prior. I was just concerned incase whatever it was may infect the others. It seems to be isolated incident.
The parameters are all fine, too. First thing that I checked.
Please see photos.
Due to its coloration, it was hard to spot initially and that's why I believe I may have not seen it in time.
If anyone can help me understand what it may be, I'd be eternally grateful.
I recently did a 50% water change and hoovered the sludge from my pond—the usual clean-up after winter. I have replaced some filters by dipping them in the previous pond water.
The pond is 2.4m x 2.1m x 1.2m deep. I'm using a cup-7000 internal UV filter, which has never caused problems.
I have a total of 3 goldfish, 1 shunbunkin (starter fish), and 6 koi. All are roughly 10 inches in size apart from one that has had huge growth in comparison and is double their size.
I noticed yesterday during my routine observation that the shubunkin had some form of growth (I thought was cotton wool) on its gill. Decided it would be best to isolate and check but upon closer inspection, it appeared to be more like a blister with a yellow tinge.
I believe it may have injured itself at some point and an ulcer had formed but I've never seen an ulcer this colour before.
After netting aside using a rubber net, and holding him aside, he'd seemed to have given up on life. I proceeded to treat him with NTLABS ulcer and fin bacterial treatment.
But, he wasn't moving after two hours.
He was eating normal, swimming fine and all of that. No thrashing prior. I was just concerned incase whatever it was may infect the others. It seems to be isolated incident.
The parameters are all fine, too. First thing that I checked.
Please see photos.
Due to its coloration, it was hard to spot initially and that's why I believe I may have not seen it in time.
If anyone can help me understand what it may be, I'd be eternally grateful.